Secret World of the Giant Manta Ray

giant Manat Ray

The associated article can be accessed here, with many more photos.

These photos apparently are a result of film footage taken for a BBC Documentary on Manta Rays: Andrea: Queen of the Mantas

The Andrea in question is biologist Andrea Marshall. Apparently, until recently, it was thought there was a single species of manta ray. She noticed discrepancies in the markings and behaviors of some individuals and was able to describe a new species of manta, Manta alfredi.

Men Who Stare At Goats…Are A Little Funny In The Head




I remember first hearing about this when someone I knew a few years ago starting telling me in somewhat drunk detail, about a book they were currently reading titled “The Men Who Stare At Goats”. It was written by Jon Ronson and told about these crazy accounts of military men trying to tap into their pysches in order to make goats drop dead through merely staring. It sounded pretty crazy but fascinating at the time.



So it’s interesting to me that I am now hearing about it again in the form of a major motion picture starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey, and Jeff Bridges among others. The combination sounds like it’ll be plenty amusing and I plan on seeing it. However, it turns out in Jon Ronson had put together his own documentary series based on the book that is intensely amusing but equally disturbing due to the fact that this is not a work of fiction. It was a 3 part series called “Crazy Rulers of the world” which aired in 2004.

The first part focused on material from his book “The Men Who Stared at Goats” and can be found on youtube but I am posting it here in one place. You really have to watch to believe (even though it’s still hard to believe the military was involved in this type of activity). I’m also wondering if it’s a product of editing, that these military men seem to be so “touched”, but I think it might not be….

It Might Get Loud, and I Hope it Does

I saw a fantastic documentary the other night at the Red River in Concord about the Edge, Jack White, and Jimmy Page.


By the time it was done I was bouncing around with inspired energy (it doesn’t take much). The movie focuses on their roles as guitarists but also revolves around the three of them meeting and the conversation that emerges. All aspects of their personal stories are enhanced by creative elements of clever filmography, animation, and archived video footage of artists that inspire the trio. One really exciting component to it, is that none of their stories are told in the same manner or exact same format. Each story is told in a manner that compliments the musician. Jack White’s segments are bizarre andĀ  (several scenes involve him talking to a nine-year old version of himself) no nonsense, Edge’s are clean and reflective. Jimmy Page seems a suprisingly gentle and relaxed sort of fellow; out of the three, his voice seems to be the most embodied in the instrument itself. It’s amusing to see the sense of awe laced on the faces of edge and white when page starts noodling around on his double-necked guitar. The film so satisfyingly ends with a collective rendition of the Band’s song “The Weight” (you know it… “Take a load off Fanny/AnnieĀ  and put the weight right on me”).

Check out the official website here